Clinical and Counseling

University of South Carolina []
(Recruiting Faculty: Banerjee, Bradshaw, Bradshaw, Kornbluh, Roberts, Schatz, Wilson, Wippold, Weist,Zarrett). Deadline 12/1/20. Graduate Program Open House:11/19/20 7-8:30 pm (EST). Register at []

Arizona State University Clinical Psychology Program (Recruiting Faculty: Corbin, Meier, Friedman, Blais, Cruz, Luecken) The Clinical Training Program has three areas of emphases in which students may elect to participate: health psychology, child clinical psychology, and community/prevention; Apply at []; deadline 12/1/20. Candidates from underrepresented backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Central Michigan University. Admitting clinical psychology PhD students in 2021 to work with: James Gerhart, Pain, Stress, & Symptom Management; Larissa Niec, Children, Families, & Communities; Elizabeth Meadows, Trauma & Anxiety Disorders; Reid Skeel, Clinical Neuropsychology; and Nathan Weed, Psychological Assessment. Program website, deadline 12/1/20.

Florida International University Admitting students to the Clinical Science in Child and Adolescent Psychology Doctoral Program in 2021. Deadline 12/01/2020. The following faculty members are taking students: Daniel Bagner, Early Childhood Behavior Lab; Gregory Fabiano; Stacy Frazier, NAFASI at FIU; Paulo Graziano, S.E.L.F-Regulation Lab; Katie Hart, School R.E.A.D.Y Lab; Dana McMakin; Erica Musser, ABC-ERICA Lab; Mei Yi Ng, MUTT Lab; Jeremy Pettit, CAPP Lab; Joseph Raiker Jr., PALM Lab; Adela Timmons, TIES Lab; Elisa Trucco, ReACH Lab.

The Ohio State University
(Scott Hayes; Buckeye Brain Aging Lab; deadline 12/01/2020; neuroimaging, cognition, memory, fitness, healthy aging. The BBAL investigates the relationships between physical activity, fitness, cognition and the brain. We work with clinical populations (individuals with MCI or AD), healthy older adults, healthy young adults, and masters level athletes. Applicants for the Clinical Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience PhD programs are encouraged to apply.)
(Jasmeet Hayes; The MINDSET Lab; deadline 12/01/2020; neuroimaging, neurodegeneration, stress, TBI, PTSD. The MINDSET lab is dedicated to studying the long-term effects of TBI and psychological stress on brain, cognition, and broader health outcomes. Applicants for the Clinical Psychology or Cognitive Neuroscience PhD programs are encouraged to apply.)

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science (Dr. Brian Feinstein;; Clinical Psychology PhD program; interests in: sexual and gender minority health (mental health, substance use, and sexual health), bisexuality and pansexuality, stigma-related stress and coping, romantic and sexual relationships, and intervention development;; deadline 12/17/20)

Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science in Chicago (Dr. Monika Waszczuk; Clinical Psychology Program; Lab interests: psychiatric genetics, emotional disorders, trauma, comorbidities/HiTOP, mental-physical health interplay, longitudinal data. Deadline 12/17/20)

Sam Houston State University (Dr. Laura Drislane; Clinical Psychology PhD Program with Forensic Emphasis; Research interests include psychopathy (triarchic model framework), impulse control (“externalizing”) disorders, dimensional models of psychopathology, psychophysiology, quantitative methods, scale development and psychometrics; Deadline 12/1/20, Application instructions

Texas A&M University (Dr. Annmarie MacNamara, Multimethod Affect and Cognition lab, MAClab; Clinical Psychology Program, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences; We use EEG, fMRI and peripheral psychophysiology to study emotion and cognition in psychiatric health and disease, primarily anxiety, depression and trauma-related psychopathology. Deadline 12/1/20. [])

Texas Tech University (Dr. John L. Cooley; TTU Peer Relations Lab; Clinical Psychology Program, Department of Psychological Sciences; Topics: peer victimization, aggression, bullying, emotion regulation, coping strategies, maltreatment, witnessed violence, risk & protective factors, evidence-based assessment, prevention & intervention; Deadline 12/1/20; Virtual Interviews; Apply at

Texas Tech University (Dr. Jason Van Allen; ENERGY Lab; Clinical Psychology Program; Research focuses on child health behavior, particularly diet, physical activity, and sleep, with federally funded projects currently focused on physical activity and eating behavior. Typical populations include children with obesity and other chronic illnesses; Deadline 12/1/20; Apply at

Texas Tech University (Dr. Sarah Victor; Tracking Risk over Time Lab. We focus on predicting self-harm and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in daily life using ambulatory assessment methods, such as ecological momentary assessment and actigraphy. Deadline 12/1/20; Apply at

Texas Tech University (Dr. Paul Ingram; Psychological Assessment and Treatment Seeking Lab. Research topics: Military, Veterans, Psychological and personality assessment, trauma, depression, stigma, help-seeking; My Counseling Psychology lab has a strong psychometric focus and centers most of its work around use of assessment instruments to help diagnostic and treatment planning decisions for active duty and veteran service members. Deadline 12/1/20; Apply at

Texas Tech University (Dr. Sean Mitchell; Suicide Risk and Prevention Research Laboratory. Clinical Psychology Program, Department of Psychological Sciences; We focus on suicide risk and prevention among high-risk groups. Deadline 12/1/20; virtual interviews; GRE optional; Apply at

University of Arkansas (Dr. Lauren Quetsch; Family and Community Intervention (FCI) Lab The FCI Lab is focused on dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments for underserved children and families. The research examines evidence-based interventions for youth with disruptive behavior disorders (e.g. PCIT, MST) and targets research on the adaptation of evidence-based treatments for use with children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Dr. Quetsch is recruiting a PhD student for Fall 2021. Apply (Here); deadline is 12/1/20)

University of California, Irvine (New Clinical Psychology PhD program; []; deadline 12/1/20. Application instructions:

University of Denver (Kimberly Chiew; DU Motivation, Affect, & Cognition Lab; Investigating emotion, motivation & individual differences influences on cognitive control & episodic memory using cognitive neuroscience research approaches. Current opportunities to study motivation and cognition in children with ADHD. Fully funded with stipend. Prospective students can apply through Affect-Social-Cognitive Psychology or Child Clinical. Application deadline is 12/1/20 Apply at [].

University of Denver Developmental Origins of Mental and Physical Health Lab (PI: Dr. Jenalee Doom). Topics: stress, mental and physical health, social buffering. Prospective students can apply through Child Clinical or Developmental. Application deadline is 12/1/20. Apply at [].

University of Iowa (Isaac Petersen; Developmental Psychopathology Lab) Clinical child psychology, developmental psychopathology, externalizing behavior problems, self-regulation, school readiness, developmental cognitive neuroscience; Deadline 12/1/20

University of Kentucky (Joseph Hammer; Helpseeking And Multicultural Measurement Evaluation Research Lab) help seeking, mental health treatment access, scale development, multicultural psychometrics; Deadline 12/1/20

University of Miami (Daniel Bradford;; Our program of research takes a multi-measure experimental psychopathology approach to better understand the role of stress reactivity in mental health. In this research, we focus on psychological processes at the interface of affect and addiction;; deadline 12/1/20)

University of Mississippi (Laura Dixon; Health and Anxiety Research and Treatment Lab) The HART lab investigates behavioral, cognitive, social, emotional, and psychophysiological processes that contribute to the etiology and treatment of anxiety disorders. An additional emphasis is the intersection of anxiety and health, and in particular, how problematic anxiety may exacerbate medical conditions and contribute to maladaptive health behaviors. Dr. Dixon was also recently awarded a grant that seeks to investigate the characterization and assessment of misophonia. Dr. Dixon is recruiting PhD students for Fall 2021; Application Information []; Deadline is 12/1/2020)

University of Mississippi (Aaron Lee; Psychological and Social Influences of Chronic Health conditions Lab; Dr. Lee’s lab examines cognitive, behavioral, and social determinants of suboptimal disease self-management, biological outcomes, and medical care utilization among adults with cardiometabolic disease (e.g., diabetes, obesity, hypertension); Dr. Lee is recruiting PhD students for Fall 2021; Application Information []; Deadline is 12/1/2020)

University of Missouri, St. Louis (Ryan Carpenter;; my research is focused on better understanding and addressing behavior, especially substance use, in everyday life using ecological momentary assessment and mobile health approaches; Application deadline is 12/1/2020. Application instructions and brochure can be found at:

University of Missouri, St. Louis (Chelsey Wilks,; my research focuses on preventing and intervening on individuals at risk for suicide through the use of technology, including translating evidence-based treatments into scalable formats, examining for whom and under what contexts specific interventions work, and improving the user experience of technology-delivered interventions; Application deadline is 12/1/2020. Application instructions and brochure can be found at:

University of Nevada, Las Vegas Anticipating accepting 6 students across clinical faculty at; admission requirements at; deadline 12/1/20.

University of New Mexico (Katie Witkiewitz;; Our research group is dedicated to ameliorating suffering due to addictive behaviors via clinical research (particularly mindfulness-based treatments), secondary data analyses of existing clinical trial data, and by studying the behavioral and neurobiological processes by which individuals change addictive behaviors;; deadline 12/1/20)

University of North Dakota (RaeAnn Anderson;; Our team is dedicated to understanding the basic behavioral processes key to preventing and reducing the risk of sexual violence. We study both victimization and perpetration in order to develop better interventions. Within victimization research, we primarily focus on high vulnerability groups such as LGBTQ+ folks, childhood sexual abuse survivors, and Indigenous people. We also conduct a significant amount of research on measurement and methodology related to sexual violence. We are a collaborative and innovation-focused group with members at all levels of education and across institutions, departments, and programs. Information for the clinical and experimental PhD programs can be found here:; deadline 1/1/21).

University of South Dakota (BreAnne Danzi) My research focuses on children's responses to stress and trauma. I study biopsychosocial factors that contribute to risk and resiliency trajectories following trauma exposure and am interested in optimizing diagnostic conceptualizations of PTSD to be developmentally-appropriate for use with children. The goal is to improve the ability to identify youth in need of mental health services following trauma exposure, particularly in the case of large-scale community-wide traumas (e.g., natural disasters, terrorism). I will be recruiting for Fall 2021. Clinical psychology doctoral program application instructions are located here and the deadline is 12/15/20.

University of South Florida (Peter Clayson; @clayson_peter; Clinical Psychology) My research examines healthy and clinical populations to answer these questions: How well do models of adaptive control predict performance? How do variations in adaptive control contribute to psychopathology? Can adaptive control be improved in psychopathology, leading to benefits in functional outcome? I also have a strong interest in EEG/ERP methods and psychometrics. I will be recruiting for Fall 2021. Priority deadline for applications to the clinical psychology PhD program is December 1st Apply Here.

University of Southern Mississippi (Eric Dahlen; Counseling Psychology); My lab studies relational aggression and victimization among emerging adults, dysfunctional anger, college student mental health, and related areas. Our recent work has focused on the role of dark personality traits (e.g., psychopathy, narcissism) in relational and cyber aggression and the impact of peer victimization on college student mental health and well-being. I will be recruiting for Fall 2021. Applications to the counseling psychology PhD program are due December 1st.

University of Southern Mississippi (Craig Warlick; Counseling Psychology); Our team is recruiting team members who are committed to the Scientist-Practitioner model that can contribute to our projects regarding intersections of religious belief salience (from atheism to fundamentalism), assessment, and treatment delivery. We are recruiting for Fall 2021. Check us out! Applications to the counseling psychology PhD program are due December 1st.

University of Toledo (Jon Elhai) I am recruiting PhD students for my PTSD Lab, investigating PTSD’s comorbidity, and mechanisms underlying PTSD’s relations with internalizing and externalizing symptoms For more information, see my (Website); Apply (Here); deadline is 12/1/20.

University of Toledo (Jon Elhai) I am recruiting PhD students for my Cyberpsychology and Internet Addictions Lab, investigating excessive smartphone use and relations with mental health symptoms For more information, see my (Website); Apply (Here); deadline is 12/1/20.

University of Toledo (Matthew Tull and Kim Gratz) The Personality and Emotion Research and Treatment (PERT) Laboratory in the Department of Psychology at the University of Toledo is a translational research laboratory emphasizing basic experimental research on the mechanisms underlying personality pathology (emphasis on borderline personality disorder), posttraumatic stress disorder, and addictive and risky behaviors (substance use, nonsuicidal and suicidal self-injurious behavior). Both Dr Gratz and Dr Tull are recruiting PhD students for Fall 2020. Apply (Here); deadline is 12/1/20.

University of Toledo (Jason C. Levine) I am recruiting PhD students for my Health Psychology Lab, see (Website);. We study stress and coping; cardiovascular psychophysiology of stress, and self-management of chronic illness. Apply Here (Here); deadline is 12/1/20.

Loyola University Chicago Loyola University Chicago is not accepting any new clinical graduate students for Fall 202 and applications will NOT be reviewed. It is anticipated that clinical graduate admissions will resume for Fall 2022.

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